We want to help you discover your part in God's story. This is why we've created the pathway to membership.
This pathway helps you get to know Tate Springs and to see if it is where God is leading you.
As Christians, we are called to gather together with the body of Christ in regular worship services. So, thatโs the first place to start if youโre interested in our church! Come worship with us through song and the preaching of the Word as we draw closer to God, and see if our congregation might be a good fit for you. (Hebrews 10:25)
Biblical leadership is important, so stop by The Drop after worship on a Sunday morning to get to know our pastor, Jared Wellman, and learn more about our church. We love and care for you, and we want to know you! Likewise, we want you to know who we are.
We offer a Discovery Workshop on a rolling basis, typically once a month. In the workshop we cover the basics of what church membership is and what means to be a member at Tate Springs.
At the Discovery Workshop, and as part of becoming a member, you will have the opportunity to:
At our discovery workshop youโll receive an application for membership. After submitting it, a minister will reach out to hear about how Jesus has saved you and get to know you!
Once youโre a member, the journey doesnโt stop, instead the work begins! Join us as we strive to fulfill the Great Commission in Arlington and beyond!